Saturday, March 08, 2008

Give me a popsicle! [Picolé]

Bergen polar bear with tie shoes popsicle summer
Bergen, the Little Polar Bear
O pequeno Urso Polar

Aimoré by Ceno Le Polalo

Aimore traces Cenobear Flash with tablet

Isn’t this guy cute? Nice tie and shoes!!
Yes, this is from a Great Artist I knew, Ceno Le Polalo, a big Polar Bear :)
He is a good person, really, a good one.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Garçon Beagle e freguês Urso

waiter beagle and customer bear garçon cafe e urso fregues Garçon Beagle: ‘‘— Seu café, senhor.’’
Urso freguês: ‘‘— Muito obrigado. Quando sai o bauru?’’

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