Sunday, January 25, 2009

Aimoré Oceanic

Aimore rabbit beach summer sunglasses message in bottle Coelho Aimoré no Verão.
‘‘Oceanic’’ um disco CD de Vangelis

Comboio da caminhoneira valente

intrepid female truck driver valente motorista caminhao caminhoneira Uma valente caminhoneira avançando na estrada íngreme após uma
chuva torrencial, comandando um comboio, levando o progresso aos
remotos cantos do país. Poético.

An Animal Adventure

Animal adventure rabbit hamster panda, music Magic Fly, Didier Marouani Os caras são: Krigg Hamster, Panda Liu, Aimore Coelho
em uma aventura futurista com belos e inteligentes animais antropomórficos.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Give me a popsicle! [Picolé]

Bergen polar bear with tie shoes popsicle summer
Bergen, the Little Polar Bear
O pequeno Urso Polar

Aimoré by Ceno Le Polalo

Aimore traces Cenobear Flash with tablet

Isn’t this guy cute? Nice tie and shoes!!
Yes, this is from a Great Artist I knew, Ceno Le Polalo, a big Polar Bear :)
He is a good person, really, a good one.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Garçon Beagle e freguês Urso

waiter beagle and customer bear garçon cafe e urso fregues Garçon Beagle: ‘‘— Seu café, senhor.’’
Urso freguês: ‘‘— Muito obrigado. Quando sai o bauru?’’

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The macho-man sad history

From BBC News. A map series containing proportional features. I’m very impressed. :0
© SASI Group (University of Sheffield) and Mark Newman (University of Michigan) //

Military Spending
War deaths
Violent deaths (Common crimes)
Conclusion: How interesting see people hating each other. The macho-man sad history.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Global warming, a sum of unhappy events

Lately we hear and read about the ‘‘global warming’’, the temparatures are rising year by year.
This phenomenon would be cyclical. The Earth passed by this before, despite the pollution nowadays caused by greedy rich people.
No one tells or writes our Sun is warming up little by little through the eras, inexorably.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Prohibited returning at left side

My first Post

Here my place to put ideas, neither those tl;dr things
nor aberration images.

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